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Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment

Promotion, tenure, and reappointment review at UConn is a multi-level review process, allowing for objective evaluation of the substance and merits of each faculty member’s case at each level of organization of the university. Evaluations for promotion, tenure, and reappointment apply the highest standards of professional achievement in scholarship, teaching, and service as appropriate to the responsibilities assigned to the faculty member. Information on this page addresses the policies and processes for both tenure-track and tenured faculty, and clinical, in-residence, and extension faculty and lecturers. The resources below are meant to help every individual understand and engage in the process.

Interfolio @ UConn

UConn utilizes Interfolio's Promotion, Tenure, and Review module for submission and review of all PTR/PR related actions including annual reappointments, midpoint reviews, promotion, and tenure cases. Resources are available on the Interfolio @ UConn page linked below.

Academic Affairs Governance Document Library

All downloads for Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment (PTR) forms, templates, deadlines, and reference materials are available on the Academic Affairs Governance Document Library SharePoint. Please select the icon below to access the site with your email address and download files for individual use.

PTR and PR Forms

All PTR (New and Legacy) and PR (CIRE & Lecturer) forms are available for download below:

The AAUP and the University of Connecticut agreed in Article 31 of their collective bargaining agreement to establish a work group to discuss negotiable aspects, if any, of the University’s promotion, tenure and reappointment (“PTR”) procedures. The work group was comprised of representatives from the AAUP, the University Senate, the Provost’s Office, and the Office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, and an agreement was reached in September 2018. As such, tenure track faculty members should review guidance on the Legacy versus New PTR form.

Effective for the AY 24-25 cycle, PTR/PR forms have been updated to reflect the Senate Bylaw changes approved at the March 2024 University Senate Meeting regarding the naming of SET (Student Experience of Teaching) and ATE (Assessment of Teaching Effectiveness).

Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment Governance

Provost's Promotion and Tenure Guidance

The following Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment (PTR) procedures have been adopted by the faculties of the University of Connecticut (except those of the School of Medicine and the School of Dental Medicine) under the authority of the Laws and By-Laws of the University of Connecticut, Article XIV. They should be followed insofar as possible by all departments. If a school/college does not have departments, it should follow procedures bearing as much similarity to these as is reasonable. Each school/college and department may adopt and publish on their website additional criteria and policies that are consistent with the PTR policies and procedures presented here.

COVID-19 Accommodations

In recognition of the significant challenges the COVID-19 pandemic has had on scholarly productivity, the University of Connecticut has provisioned the following accommodations.

Personnel Records

State regulations require that personnel records, which include Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment (PTR) files, be retained for 30 years after termination of employment. The Office of the Provost, or the school/college where the file is not advanced to the Office of the Provost, will retain Promotion, Tenure, and Reappointment (PTR) files for the required amount of time.