Provost's Office Monthly Newsletter
The Provost's Office sends a monthly newsletter to faculty and staff at the university to provide academic updates, news, events and important dates. Newsletters are typcally distributed via email on the last Thursday of each month.
Provost's Office Messages
The Provost's Office sends messages via email to the academic community on a periodic basis to provide important updates as needed. Those messages are archived below.
Dear Faculty, Staff, and Graduate Students, Today marks the first day of the new academic year and we are all excited for the return of our students, faculty, and staff to our campuses. As of today, we have 6,848 graduate students and 23,561 undergraduate students registered for classes, including a remarkable first-year class of over
Read MoreDate: August 23, 2022 To: Deans From: Anne D’Alleva, Ph.D., Interim Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs Re: FY24 Provost Fund Guidance The “Provost Fund” is a program that identifies a pool of university resources to be used for faculty salary increases for the purposes of retention, compression and inversion equity,
Read MoreDear Colleagues, We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Office of Undergraduate Advising. Previously, the Director of University Advising, Erin Ciarimboli, reported dually to Enrichment Programs to also encompass Pre-Professional Advising. The establishment of this new office will serve to coordinate and enhance University advising services to undergraduate students across all campuses and
Read MoreDear Colleagues, I am very pleased to announce the reappointment of Rachel O’Neill as director of the Institute for Systems Genomics for a second term of five years, effective August 23, 2022. This renewal recognizes Dr. O’Neill’s outstanding leadership as the director of the institute since 2017. An overarching highlight during her tenure is the
Read MoreDear Colleagues, We’re writing to share recent updates to the Policy and Procedures on Consulting for Faculty and Members of the Faculty Bargaining Unit. These were approved by the Board of Trustees on June 29, 2022. Several broad changes were made to the procedures. These include: A greater ability to provide flexibility for exceptions to
Read MoreDear Colleagues, I write to clarify the guidance you received from the Provost’s Office regarding merit and other salary increase categories for AAUP bargaining unit members and law faculty. This message is sent to deans, department heads, associate deans, regional campus directors, and other unit directors with personnel who fall under this guidance. In years
Read MoreDear Colleagues, I am writing to share updates on personnel in the Provost’s Office. I am pleased to announce that two of our most accomplished faculty leaders will join the Provost’s Office team in temporary roles designed to support me. Amy Gorin will serve as Interim Vice Provost for Health Sciences. Dr. Gorin is a
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