Office of the Provost
Provost’s Office Monthly – February 2024

The spring semester is well underway and as usual our campuses are bustling with activity. The Connecticut General Assembly is also in session and University leaders are meeting regularly with the governor’s office, staff from the Office of Policy and Management, and legislators regarding the budget requests for UConn and UConn Health for the next fiscal year. As always, we are proactively and constructively advocating for the state resources necessary to help us to carry out our mission most effectively and best meet the needs of our students, the State of Connecticut, and society at large.
Under the News & Updates section of this newsletter I’ve included several resources that I strongly encourage faculty, staff, and students to review to learn more about the budget process and to stay engaged as it continues to evolve. President Maric, myself, and other members of the senior leadership team are continuing to hold town halls on UConn’s budget and the legislative session to help inform the UConn community and answer questions. The next town hall meeting will be in person and will take place on Monday, March 4 at the Student Union Theatre in Storrs. I hope to see many of you there. Additional town hall meeting will be held in person during the month of March both in Storrs and at UConn Health in Farmington. We will share the date/time/location information in advance of each.
Earlier this week we hosted another installment of the Provost’s Distinguished Speaker Series featuring a discussion with Board of Trustees Distinguished Professors Lewis Gordon and Bandana Purkayastha, moderated by Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Michael Lynch. They were joined by faculty, staff, and students to engage in a wide-ranging exploration of their pursuit of knowledge in the fields of sociology and philosophy, the public impact of their work, and their passion and commitment about their work at a public institution. The recording of this event is available online. I continue to be inspired by the talented and passionate educators and scholars who are part of our UConn community.
I will also be holding a series of office hours with my leadership team to connect with faculty and staff at each of our campuses. I recognize this is a busy time for all of us, and I appreciate any time you are willing to devote to sharing your comments, questions, and ideas with us.
Whether you’re preparing for midterms, working on a research grant, advising our students, planning an end-of-semester event, going about the myriad routine tasks that keep the University running – or all of the above – please accept our sincerest thanks for the work that you do.
Interfolio Faculty Activity Reporting
The Office of the Provost and the Office of Budget, Planning and Institutional Research are partnering to implement Interfolio’s Faculty Activity Reporting (FAR) module, which will replace HuskyDM as UConn’s faculty data system. A webpage has been created to provide routine status updates on the implementation. Updates will continue to be provided through this newsletter and in various other formats throughout the spring, summer and fall semesters, and we encourage you to check in on this webpage for additional information and resources.
In the coming months, the implementation team will continue to work through preliminary system configurations in collaboration with representatives from each School and College. As part of the transition from HuskyDM to FAR, data will be migrated from HuskyDM to the new FAR system. Due to the timing of the transition in proximity to regular reporting cycles for Schools and Colleges (i.e. merit processes, equity requests, etc.), faculty should complete entering data into HuskyDM by June 1, 2024. As of that date, data in HuskyDM will begin migrating into FAR and no new additions after June 1 will be included. Administrators will retain access to pull reports from HuskyDM through June 30th, the end date of the HuskyDM contract. We understand this creates a compressed timeline for some of these annual processes and will support School and Colleges with any data requests as needed.
Two New Pop-up Classes Offered beginning in March
Why the Jews? Confronting Antisemitism - Monday, March 4th - Friday April 26th
Antisemitism has often been described as the “oldest hatred.” Yet the term “antisemitism” is a modern formulation, coined in Germany in the 1870s a badge of pride by German nationalists who feared Jews posed a danger to “true German culture.” Why should the so-called “antisemites” define who or what Jews and Judaism are? This course will first and foremost introduce students to the diverse nature of Jewish identity, before examining the many manifestations of Jewish hatred throughout history, and the ways in which Jews have attempted to respond to a hatred that refuses to disappear. Learn more
Confronting Anti-Muslim Racism - Monday, March 4 - Friday, April 26, 2024
Despite Islam having almost 2 billion adherents across the globe, Muslims are subjected to damaging stereotypes, oppression, and violence simply because of their identities. Why and how is this the case? This 1-credit course offers an overview of responses to that question, with a specific emphasis on the diversity of Muslim identities, positionalities, and perspectives within the US in global context. Learn More
Professional Development for Instructors
Faculty members have access to a range of resources aimed at supporting their professional growth and development. These resources include:
- Academic Impressions is the premier resource for higher education professionals. Stay ahead in your field with cutting-edge insights, innovative strategies, and best practices. From leadership to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), Academic Impressions covers a wide array of topics including faculty success, academic program planning, online education, learning spaces, and conflict resolution. Register now with your UConn credentials to explore the available opportunities at
Top of Form
- National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity NCFRDD) aids professionals in higher education, from graduate students to administrators, throughout their careers. Register with your UConn credentials to access workshops, webinars, and resources for your professional growth and career advancement. Highlights include the Monday Motivator, 14-Day Writing Challenge, and Faculty Success Program. Accessible via the resource menu at
- Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) provides programs and resources to enhance teaching skills and academic programs. They offer evidence-based teaching strategies, support curriculum development, integrate technology, and promote innovative classroom practices. CETL experts are ready to assist in engaging and empowering students for success.
UConn Reads: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall
Get ready to dive into UConn Reads 2024, featuring the captivating selection "Braiding Sweetgrass" by Robin Wall Kimmerer! As a botanist and proud member of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Kimmerer melds the worlds of science and indigenous wisdom, showing us how to view nature as our ultimate teacher. "Braiding Sweetgrass" invites us on a delightful journey towards a harmonious connection with the world around us. This book isn't just a hit—it's a New York Times Bestseller, a Washington Post Bestseller, and a Los Angeles Times Bestseller! Plus, it's been hailed as a “Best Essay Collection of the Decade” by Literary Hub and a favorite summer read of 2020 by Book Riot. Ready to join the adventure? Learn more, including how to get your hands on the book, right here.
UConn’s Age Act Committee
UConn’s Age Act Committee is dedicated to addressing and reviewing concerns related to student access and participation in University programs, services, or activities based on age. For more information about the committee, please visit:
If you have any questions or need assistance from the Age Act Committee reach out to: Jennifer Lease Butts Associate Vice Provost for Enrichment Programs and Director, Honors Program Email: or Vern Granger Director, Office of Undergraduate Admissions Email:
Mid-Semester Grades
Instructors teaching 1000 and 2000-level courses are required to submit mid-semester grades for all students between the sixth and eighth week of the semester, from Friday, February 23, 2024, to Friday, March 8, 2024.
While instructors of all other undergraduate and graduate courses are not obligated, they are strongly encouraged to submit mid-semester grades.
You can submit mid-semester grades through the Student Administration system starting Monday, February 19. Instructions for this process are available on the Registrar’s website.
UConn Budget Information from the Provost
Earlier this month, the governor released his proposed state budget for the next fiscal year and President Maric released a statement detailing the budgetary requests being made by University leadership to support UConn and UConn Health. On February 20th, President Maric, CFO Jeffrey Geoghegan, Interim UConn Health CEO Dr. Bruce Liang, and I testified at the Appropriations Committee hearing along with other university leaders to share information on the funding requests and answer questions about the projected budget shortfalls and their potential impact on the University’s ability to support student success, foster a vibrant and robust academic community, maintain a strong research infrastructure, and continue to provide valuable and needed services to the community. University leaders are talking with legislators regularly in committee and subcommittee hearings as well as in 1:1 meetings to advocate for the requested funding.
It is important that our faculty, staff, and students stay informed on the realities of the budget constraints we face and that we provide an accurate picture of our budget landscape to the community. There have been several virtual town halls held with the UConn community to answer questions and share information about the budget process and current budget outlook. Recordings of those town halls, as well as other informational resources, can be found on the president’s website. The next town hall is scheduled to take place in person on March 4, at 12:00pm in the Student Union Theatre. All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to join. Earlier this month Provost D’Alleva submitted a letter to the editor of the Chronicle of Higher Education following a recent story published about our budget that did not accurately capture our outlook. Attendance at University Senate meetings is encouraged as they will feature important budget discussions in the coming months. You can find agendas and streaming information on the Senate website.
New Governance Document: Sabbatical Active Service and Recoupment of Pay Guidelines
New guidelines have been established regarding the notification process and reimbursement of funds if a faculty member leaves the University before fulfilling their sabbatical obligations. This policy is outlined in the Academic Affairs Governance Document Library.
Carnegie Elective Classification
The University of Connecticut is one of 40 colleges and universities in the United States to receive the 2024 Carnegie Community Engagement Classification, an elective designation that indicates institutional commitment to community engagement. The designation is determined by the American Council on Education (ACE) and the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The classification is awarded following a process of self-study by each institution, which is then assessed by a national review committee. UConn’s Office of Outreach and Engagement submitted the application to the Carnegie Foundation last spring.
UConn Among National Leaders in Fullbright U.S. Student Program
The University of Connecticut has been recognized among the top producers of Fulbright U.S. Student Program award recipients for the first time in school history. These results are from U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs and were featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education on Tuesday, Feb. 13. UConn had 10 students named to the Fulbright U.S. Student Program in 2023-24, a record-setting number for the school. UConn’s appearance on the list of top producing institutions is the culmination of efforts by staff in the Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships (ONSF) and the Office of Experiential Global Learning (EGL), as well as other organizational changes over the years designed to increase support for students seeking Fulbrights.
Provost Distinguished Speaker Series
Bridging the Gap from Storrs to Farmington: Kinesiology Faculty on Cutting Edge of Sports Medicine and Exercise Science
Join Distinguished Professor Doug Casa along with his collogues Professors Neal Glaviano, Lindsay DiStefano and Elaine Lee in a thoughtful discussion on their scholarship in kinesiology, sports medicine and exercise science on Tuesday, March 26th from 4:00 – 5:30pm in the UConn Health Low Learning Center Auditorium.
This event is open to all faculty, staff, students, and members of the community.
PTR and PR Forums
The Faculty Standards Committee of the University Senate, in collaboration with the Provost’s Office, will host two separate forums on faculty promotion, tenure, and reappointment via WebEx on Friday, April 12, 2024. These forums aim to ensure that all faculty members are familiar with the promotion, tenure, and reappointment procedures and expectations at the university. Faculty will also have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from the administration.
Faculty and staff who plan to attend must RSVP to the calendar event for each session by April 10th to attend. Recordings of the programs will be available after April 15th. Please reach out to with any questions.
Office Hours with Provost D’Alleva
Provost D’Alleva and her leadership team will be holding in-person office hours for all faculty and staff at the each of UConn’s multiple campuses throughout the spring semester. All are encouraged to join as available to discuss concerns, questions and ideas.
Religious and Cultural Observances: Important Dates for 2024
A comprehensive calendar of religious observances and culturally significant events can be found on the Office of the Provost website. Additionally, the website offers guidance and information about the responsibilities of both faculty and students regarding religious accommodations. This resource may be helpful when scheduling assessment activities or other events throughout the year.
Reading Days
Reading Days are Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and April 28. Per the University Senate By-Laws, the intent of Reading Days is as follows:
Reading Days are protected time for students to prepare for the final exam and assessment period. Instructors shall not require any course-related activity, assessment, or submission of work on Reading Days. Instructors may use Reading Days for optional activities, such as office hours. While an instructor cannot initiate required course-related activity, assessments, or submission of work on Reading Days, instructors have the option to accommodate student requests for required work and/or examinations to be rescheduled for a Reading Day. Reading Days restrictions do not include responsibilities with external placements, such as clinical positions and internships.
Final Exams
Final exams begin on Monday, April 29, and end on Saturday, May 4.
Final in-class examinations may not be given during the last week of classes. Other types of assessments (for example, but not only, portfolios, performances, projects, presentations, etc.) may be due in the last week of classes, but should be clearly delineated on the syllabus from the first week of classes.
Undergraduate students may request rescheduling for an exam through the Dean of Students Office for the Storrs campus or each regional campus student services office, and as early as possible. The reasons for such a request include bunched finals or other extenuating circumstances. Such bunched finals may include final assessments like juried performances for Fine Arts students. A student whose absence is excused by the Dean of Students Office or regional student services staff shall have an opportunity to take a final without penalty. Please consult the Dean of Students website and the Registrar’s website for further details.
February 23-March 8: Mid-semester grading period
March 4: University Senate
March 4: Budget Town Hall, Student Union Theatre, Storrs @ 12:00pm
March 5: Budget Town Hall, Keller Auditorium, UConn Health, Farmington @ 12:00pm
March 10-March 16: Spring Recess
March 10-April 8: Ramadan
March 23-24: Purim
March 25: Holi
March 31: Easter Sunday