Provost's Office Monthly Newsletter
The Provost's Office sends a monthly newsletter to faculty and staff at the university to provide academic updates, news, events and important dates. Newsletters are typcally distributed via email on the last Thursday of each month.
Provost's Office Messages
The Provost's Office sends messages via email to the academic community on a periodic basis to provide important updates as needed. Those messages are archived below.
Dear Colleagues, On Monday, January 18, the University will observe the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday to reflect on the meaning of Dr. King’s work and sacrifice. In recent years, the University has requested student services and academic departmental offices remain open on the holiday to meet the needs of new and returning students as
Read MoreDear Colleagues, After a very long year, we have finally made it to 2021. The last several months were particularly taxing with so many in our community giving their all to support our academic mission. The spring semester will still have its challenges, but there are many ways in which your hard work in the
Read MoreWinter Weather FAQs from Human Resources and the Office of the Provost for Storrs & Regional Personnel Please review the Emergency Closing Policy carefully for details about how decisions are made related to winter weather, expectations of employees, and other information. 1. I’m working from home due to COVID-19, and I received a notification that
Read MoreDear Colleagues, I am writing to share an update regarding the extension of the Pass/Fail deadline for undergraduate students for the fall 2020 and spring 2021 semesters. The deadline to designate a course as Pass/Fail for the fall 2020 semester is now 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 28, 2020. The deadline to designate a course as
Read MoreDear Colleagues, As we approach the start of finals, I am reaching out with a reminder on Reading Days for the fall 2020 semester. Reading Days are scheduled from Tuesday, Dec. 8 through Sunday, Dec. 13, as well as on Thursday, Dec. 17. In line with Senate By-Laws, instructors may not hold classes, or assign
Read MoreDear UConn community, I am sharing an update regarding withdrawals from classes. The University has extended the deadline for withdrawals through Friday, Dec. 11. Undergraduate students who are interested in withdrawing from a class must seek the permission of an advisor to do so. Graduate students must seek the permission of their major advisor. This
Read MoreDear colleagues, We are reaching a couple of significant milestones in our fall semester: the end of in-person courses and Thanksgiving Break. You have been tremendous partners in adapting creatively and thoughtfully as we have had to update guidance throughout the semester pertaining to instruction and research, among many other areas. Thank you for all
Read MoreDear Colleagues, I am writing with a reminder of our upcoming Visioning Day events that are the first step in our strategic planning process. We hosted our first of these events last Friday with faculty, staff, and students from across our university. Participants generated a wide range of thoughtful ideas and observations about ways for
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