Transformation Now Course

UNIV 3088
Special Topics: Transformation Now
1-Credit Course
Monday, August 28th - Friday, October 13th, 2023
This course provides a brief, detailed historical account of gender, the language that has shaped gender, the laws that have defined gender, and the various transnational revolutions that have taken place to redefine gender altogether. Students will be able to recognize how essentialist/biological determinist beliefs are used by institutions to reinforce systemic oppression so they may develop skills to transform their communities.
Students can enroll in Student Administration until September 11, the end of add/drop.
Course: UNIV 3088
Section 003 Class #16545 (Undergraduates Only)
Section 004 Class #16546 (Graduate Students Only)
Instruction Mode: Online Asynchronous
For detailed course information, see the course syllabus.
Course Objectives
By the completion of this course, you should be able to:
- Recognize various transnational histories of gender across diverse bodies of peoples and communities.
- Identify how the lived experiences of humans have been historically shaped by sexuality as well as gender race, class, and ability.
- Recognize the manifestations of sexism and cisgenderism in our daily lives.
- Locate resources on campus for support, further academic exploration, and activist engagement.
Course Modules
The course is comprised of seven (7) modules which include the following topics:
- Module 0: Course Orientation
- Module 1: Course Introduction/History of Coloniality and Indigeneity (Two-Spirit Peoples)
- Module 2: Language
- Module 3: Legislation
- Module 4: Everyday Violence
- Module 5: Activism/Social Movements
- Module 6: Community Care
- Module 7: Imagining Transformative Futures and Course Wrap-Up
Frequently Asked Questions
Additional Course Information
Review Frequently Asked Questions regarding the course
Decolonization is not a metaphor
Transformation Now at UConn
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
More Questions?
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Course Leads