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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Welcome to a New Academic Year

Dear Faculty,

As we begin a new academic year, we are filled with enthusiasm for the opportunities that lie ahead. Whether you are just joining us this week or are returning to continue your work, we want to extend a warm welcome and express our deepest gratitude for the vital role you play in UConn Nation.

Our collective vision to spread knowledge, advance translational research, and build UConn’s reputation as a leader in higher education depends on the dedication and expertise of our faculty. Your contributions are not only essential to the success of our students but also to the broader impact we make as a university. Every lecture, research project, and collaborative effort moves us closer towards that vision.

This year, we are especially excited to tie our efforts to the goals laid out in our strategic plan, Envisioning 2034. As we focus on expanding research impact and powering a thriving Connecticut, your work will be key to achieving these ambitious goals. We look forward to seeing how your innovative ideas and research will propel UConn forward.

We are confident that with your continued dedication, we will make great strides in the coming year. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to excellence and for being an integral part of our vibrant academic community.

Wishing you all a productive and fulfilling academic year. Go Huskies!


Anne D’Alleva, Ph.D.

Provost & Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs


Pamir Alpay, Ph.D.

Vice President for Research, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship