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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Reminders on Reading Days & Final Exams

Dear Colleagues,

As we approach the end of the Spring 2023 semester, I am reaching out with a reminder on Reading Days and final examination rescheduling.

Reading Days

Reading Days are Saturday and Sunday, April 29 and April 30. Per the University Senate By-Laws, the intent of Reading Days is as follows:

Reading Days are protected time for students to prepare for the final exam and assessment period. Instructors shall not require any course-related activity, assessment, or submission of work on Reading Days. Instructors may use Reading Days for optional activities, such as office hours. While an instructor cannot initiate required course-related activity, assessments, or submission of work on Reading Days, instructors have the option to accommodate student requests for required work and/or examinations to be rescheduled for a Reading Day. Reading Days restrictions do not include responsibilities with external placements, such as clinical positions and internships.

Final Exams

Final exams begin on Monday, May 1, and end on Sunday, May 6.

Final in-class examinations may not be given during the last week of classes. Other types of assessments (for example, but not only, portfolios, performances, projects, presentations, etc.) may be due in the last week of classes but should be clearly delineated on the syllabus from the first week of classes.

Undergraduate students may request rescheduling for an exam through the Dean of Students Office for the Storrs campus or each regional campus student services office, and as early as possible. The reasons for such a request include “bunched” finals or other extenuating circumstances. Such “bunched” finals may include final assessments like “juried” performances for Fine Arts students. A student whose absence is excused by the Dean of Students Office or regional student services staff shall have an opportunity to take a final without penalty. Please consult the Dean of Students website and the Registrar’s website for further details.

***Please note, the above does not apply to the School of Law, School of Medicine, or School of Dental Medicine.***


Jeffrey S. Shoulson, Ph.D.
Senior Vice Provost for Academic Affairs