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Office of the Provost

Office of the Provost

Dean John Elliott Reappointment

Dear Colleagues,

I am very pleased to announce the reappointment of John Elliott, Auran J. Fox Chair in Business, as dean of the UConn School of Business for a third term of five years, effective August 23, 2022.

This renewal recognizes Dean Elliott’s accomplishments in maintaining excellence in the School of Business while also pursuing strategic opportunities to grow and strengthen the school. A few highlights during his tenure include more than 30% growth of the faculty and student populations over the past decade; the introduction of in-demand academic programs, including an online MBA and a master’s in financial technology (FinTech); reaccreditation of the school in 2021; and consistent growth in fundraising to support the school.

In addition to Dean Elliott’s leadership of the School of Business, he has also provided significant service to UConn, including a role as interim provost, serving on the University Senate, chairing academic leadership search committees, and serving on the university’s AAUP negotiating team.

The review process works best when it is collaborative and comprehensive. I am grateful to all of the faculty, staff, and other key partners of the school who shared your feedback on Dean Elliott’s leadership. There were several common themes regarding his leadership, including high regard for his communication style and ability to listen, effectiveness in building connections and recognizing opportunities for collaboration, strong emphasis on research, and an overall demeanor of calm and empathy.

I also want to thank the review committee for their thoughtful engagement in this process. The committee was chaired by Kazem Kazerounian, Dean of the School of Engineering, and included the following members: Robin Coulter, Department Head of Marketing; Lucy Gilson, Associate Dean for Faculty and Outreach in the School of Business; Ofer Harel, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Affairs in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; Mohamed Hussein, Professor of Accounting; Brandy Nelson, Executive Director of Undergraduate Programs in the School of Business; and Kimberly Rollins, Department Head of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Alexis Cassan, Executive Assistant to the Provost and Chief of Staff, managed administration of the committee.

Dean Elliott has led the School of Business, and in many ways, UConn, through an uncharted moment in time. He has proven himself as a strategic, steady, and thoughtful leader who I trust to continue to guide the School of Business to continued success. Please join me in congratulating Dean Elliott on his reappointment and thanking him for his dedication and hard work on behalf of the school.


Carl Lejuez
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs